by tfarino
If you are injured during a medical procedure, you can seek compensation. The hard part is proving your case.
3 Special Requirements You Should Know About Medical Malpractice
It is hard to prove that you suffered an injury caused by a medical professional. Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional fails to effectively perform his or her medical duties. The legal rules for medical malpractice tend to vary from state to state, but experienced injury attorneys can help you meet the requirements for filing a claim.
Check the Statute of Limitation
It is a requirement in most states for you to file a claim within six months to two years. When you are injured by a doctor, you should discover the injury within a reasonable time. Every state has its own timeframe for the discovery of this type of injury. For instance, the clock may start from when the judge thinks the patient should have found the injury or from the day the injury occurred. If you do not file your lawsuit within the statute of limitation, then your case can get dismissed without ever being heard.
Get an Expert Testimony
Getting an expert witness is one of the ways to help prove medical negligence. Every state has its own criteria about what makes someone an expert witness. However, it should be someone who has experience with the subject being discussed. An expert witness is necessary for helping the jury sort through the technical information relating to your case. He or she also gives credibility to your case and discusses the reasonable standard of treatment for your condition.
Check the Cap Limit
Some states have a cap limit on the amount of damages rewarded to malpractice plaintiffs. A cap limit is established on non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. Punitive damages have a limit up to $250,000 in most medical malpractice cases. However, this limit can change under extremely rare circumstances. There is a limit on the cap because states are trying to lower the cost of malpractice liability insurance. When you go in to have a medical procedure, you expect things to go as planned. If not, you should know that you have options. An experienced attorney can explain the laws for your state and help you meet deadlines. The amount you may be awarded is based on your ability to prove that the defendant is responsible for your injuries.