Burn Injury Attorney
Have you been injured in a fire or explosion? You are not alone. More than one million people a year suffer burn injuries in the United States. Burns are the fourth most common type of trauma worldwide, following traffic accidents, falls, and homicide.
Burn injuries are long-term and among the most traumatic personal injuries a person can suffer. Burn injuries often take years to heal and can leave permanent facial scarring. Burn injuries not only cause physical harm, but also can impact a person’s self-image and dramatically change their livelihood, oftentimes directly impacting their quality of life.
Most burns – whether in a residential or commercial setting – occur because of accidents due to: gas, boiler, or dust explosions; car wrecks; defective smoke detectors; operating room or hospital fires; portable electric space heaters; open flames; electrical issues; chemical burns or scalding in labs or other work environments; as well as smoking accidents.
Quite often, burn patients have significant medical expenses which of course creates a lot of stress for them – and their families.
Burn injury litigation involves highly scientific and complex legal issues. NFPA 921 sets the standard for science-based forensic analysis and investigation of fire scenes and explosions. Having an attorney who understands and has dealt with burn cases is extremely important as there are special circumstances involved in processing a fire scene. Our firm has experience in all types of structural fires, and we are experienced in coordinating our efforts with fire departments and other forensic experts. It’s critical to assemble a team of qualified professionals to process the scene as soon as possible after notice is received to perform cause and origin analysis.
An attorney or firm that is not experienced in dealing with and processing fire scenes will not know which experts to bring and something will be missed – which could negatively affect the amount of compensation you’ll receive. We’d like the opportunity to help you put your life back together again and get the valuable counsel and the maximum financial compensation that you deserve. Not only will we help you cover all of your medical and living expenses, but we’ll also help you receive full compensation for all of your other losses.
If you have been the victim of a burn injury, call us today for a free consultation.
The initial consultation is always free and we will pick you up!