by tfarino




There are ways you can still collect compensation for your personal injuries even if the other party refuses to pay following a judgment.

Collecting Money When the Other Party Refuses to Pay

If you were injured in an accident and a judge awards you money for your damages, it is the responsibility of the party at fault to compensate you for your losses. However, there are instances when the other party refuses to pay, and this sometimes happens when you are dealing with an individual or a private corporation instead of an insurance company. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get the compensation you deserve when the other party refuses to pay.

Wage Garnishment

You can try to obtain a court order that will garnish the other party’s wages if you are suing just one individual. Garnishment works by automatically deducting a percentage of a person’s income in order to pay for your injuries or any other losses that you may have incurred due to your accident. Personal injury attorneys may be able to further advise you on how this process works.

Account Garnishment

You can also try to get an order that would require a personal or business bank account to be garnished directly. This is often one of the best options if a lawsuit was filed against a company or another similar entity. Certain accounts, such as joint accounts, are usually exempt from this type of action.

Property Lien

Another way you could possibly collect compensation to cover your injuries is to have a lien placed on any real estate that the party at fault owns. If the party defaults on paying you for your injuries, his or her property can be seized by law. If the property sells while a lien is placed on it, a portion of the profit from the sale can go to cover your losses.