by tfarino



An Overview of the Disability Benefit Application Process

If you experience chronic pain or mood swings that interfere with your ability to work, it may be possible to get Social Security disability benefits (SSD). As part of the application process, an examiner will review your medical history as well as other information deemed relevant to make a decision. In the event that an application is denied, you have the right to appeal it.

What Is an Examiner Looking For?

The examiner is looking for evidence that your condition makes it impossible to earn a gainful living. This means that you can’t do your current job or any other job that you are qualified to perform. This is done using recent medical records in addition to statements from your doctor, employer or others close to you. If you don’t have any medical records that are less than 90 days old, it may be necessary to submit to a consultative examination (CE).

What Happens If the Application Is Denied?

It isn’t uncommon for an SSD application to be denied on your first try. If this happens to you, be sure to appeal within 65 days. An appeal is different than sending in another initial application, and an attorney may be able to talk more about how they differ. If the appeal is denied, the case is sent to an administrative law judge (ALJ) for a hearing.

You Can Still Work While Receiving Benefits

It is possible to work while getting SSD benefits. However, you have to remain below the threshold for gainful employment. This threshold changes every few years, and your legal representative will be able to explain how it may impact your case. It is also worth knowing that your case will likely be reviewed every year or two. An accident lawyer in Las Vegas may be able to provide more specifics as they apply to your case.