nevada injury lawyer

Your legal rights alone will not put money back in your pocket after an accident. You need to push the system to compensate you for damages. A Nevada personal injury attorney knows how to pursue the maximum payout for your injuries. Your attorney can leverage any evidence you bring and track down additional evidence crucial to your case. You can significantly support this effort by following your attorney’s advice. This joint effort gives you the best chance of holding someone fully accountable for negligence.

Gather Evidence at the Accident Scene

Details collected from the accident scene could prove fault and illustrate the extent of the harm that you suffered. Your Nevada injury lawyer can investigate the location and supplement any information you may have gathered at the time of the accident.

Our investigation could identify surveillance cameras in the vicinity. We can request video that might have recorded the accident. This is one reason why contacting a Nevada injury lawyer quickly after an accident is essential. We can preserve surveillance images before they are erased.

As an accident victim, you may not entirely understand what happened due to being badly injured at the time. Your law office’s investigator will follow up with any witnesses who gave you their contact information. We may find more witnesses in the area of the accident who can supply useful statements. Witness testimony can clarify the events that led to your injuries and support your claim of negligence.

Make an Accident Report

Law enforcement often responds to motor vehicle accidents, including those involving bicyclists and pedestrians. Police at these accident scenes generate official accident reports that injury attorneys in Nevada use to prove when the accident occurred and who was involved.

Other types of accidents, however, may not involve law enforcement. Police have little reason to respond to a slip and fall or defective product accident. Even so, you can still report the accident to a store manager or report the problem to the manufacturer.

A Nevada personal injury attorney can either request a police report or initiate a report to the responsible party. Legal support helps you avoid inadvertently admitting fault when you make a report.

Get Immediate Medical Care

nevada injury lawyer

Injury attorneys in Nevada can accomplish the most for you when you seek medical care as soon as possible after your accident. Medical records related to your accident injuries have a large influence on the size of your settlement.

This documentation:

  • Connects the day of the accident to your injuries
  • Explains the scope of your injuries
  • Describes your symptoms and physical limitations
  • Outlines treatment plans
  • Proves medical expenses

When you interact with emergency medical personnel and other healthcare workers, ask them to cite your accident explicitly in your records.

Never delay going to an emergency room or urgent care clinic. Go on the same day as the accident.

Avoid Allegations of Exaggerated Injuries

As medical expenses rise, the insurer covering the negligent party will be more motivated to dispute your damages claim. If you do not follow the treatment plan outlined by your medical providers, then the opposition could cite this as evidence that you exaggerated your pain and other symptoms.

Injury attorneys in Nevada can defend people from allegations of this nature. To succeed, they need their clients to attend all medical and therapy appointments, fill all prescriptions, and comply with medical orders.

Have Your Doctor Document the Necessity of Time Off Work

Even if your employer was completely understanding about your need for medical leave, do not skip asking your doctor to document it. Your Nevada injury lawyer will remind you to have your doctor write a letter explaining your need to stay home. This detail is crucial if you are self-employed as well.

A doctor’s note helps to prove that your lost income resulted from your accident injuries. Without this documentation, an insurance adjuster might argue that no evidence supports your claim for lost income.

Account for All Expenses

injury attorneys in nevada

You do not want to miss out on claiming any expenses associated with your accident. This is an important way to maximize compensation. Keeping track of everything requires a coordinated effort because the bills will arrive at your home.

Your Nevada personal injury attorney will explain which expenses qualify so you can provide the records to the law office. Your attorney could recommend that you track your pain and suffering with a written or video journal. Your testimony about daily challenges and anguish could support compensation beyond the sums stated on your medical bills.

Limit Social Media Use

Never assume what you share on any social media platform remains private. Insurance investigators can access anything, and your images or statements could give them ammunition to question your disability or suffering.

For this reason, injury attorneys in Nevada routinely warn their personal injury clients from discussing the accident on social media. Ideally, you will avoid using it all until you have reached a settlement.

Protect You From a Low-Ball Settlement Offer

A person, company, or insurer may try to settle an accident claim quickly. Although a fast payout is appealing, a quick offer may not be the best. Your lawyer will insist on taking more time to evaluate your damages. Maximum compensation for your accident depends on a complete accounting of your losses.

In the early days or weeks after your accident, the long-term costs of your injuries may not be clear. You cannot know right away if your pain will resolve or become chronic. Therapies and surgeries might not succeed in preventing disability. Ongoing medical care or an inability to return to work represent huge damages that you cannot recover if you accept an early settlement.

Find an Experienced Nevada Personal Injury Attorney

injury attorneys in nevada

The best move you can make is to find the right Nevada injury lawyer for your case. You need someone with experience with your type of accident. For example, negotiating or litigating a traumatic brain injury case requires knowledge of how these injuries impact victims’ lives.
Some personal injury lawyers look to turn around insurance claims quickly and have no interest in taking the tough cases to court.

Contrast this business model to a law firm that will take the necessary steps to achieve a maximum settlement. Although most cases end with an insurance settlement, very complex or high-value cases may require a lawsuit. For this reason, you should choose a Nevada personal injury attorney with a track record as a trial lawyer.

Strong Representation for Accident Victims at Moss Berg

Clients of Moss Berg Injury Lawyers receive representation from highly experienced injury attorneys in Nevada. Insurers know we are serious about going to court, which means we get to negotiate your settlement from a position of strength.

We want to discuss your accident and develop a plan for maximizing your compensation. Reach out to our office right now for a free consultation.

Nevada Personal Injury Attorney