by tfarino

The unfiltered connection with the road and nature that you enjoy on a motorcycle are exactly the same things that make it dangerous. You don’t have the structure of a passenger vehicle to insulate you from a crash. Your physical exposure on a motorcycle enables many types of motorcycle injuries, and these are the most common ones.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Nevada law requires motorcyclists and their passenger to wear helmets precisely because head injuries are so prevalent. reported that about half of the traumatic brain injuries that occur in the United States result from motorcycle accidents. Helmets offer some protection. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, helmeted riders suffer fewer traumatic brain injuries than people who don’t wear helmets.
Even so, head injuries remain possible for any motorcyclists, and they represent one of the severest forms of motorcycle injury. Hospitalization, rehabilitation, and the potential for permanent disability produce significant costs to victims. If you or a family member is in this situation, a motorcycle accident attorney Las Vegas can promote your needs within the legal and insurance bureaucracies.
Physicians rate traumatic brain injuries as either mild, moderate, or severe. Symptoms include:
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Behavior impairments
- Loss of physical abilities
Symptoms may be temporary or permanent depending on the extent of brain injury. As you can imagine, permanent impairments will result in significant lifetime financial losses. Damages in the six or seven figures are quite possible in serious brain injury cases.
Even if you recover after a few weeks or months, you would still have incurred many medical bills and likely lost income. A personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas can help you document your financial damages and challenge an insurer’s efforts to devalue your claim.
Neck and Spinal Injuries 
Your neck and spine are also vulnerable during a collision when you are thrown from your motorcycle. Loss of sensation in areas of the body, chronic pain, partial paralysis, or total paralysis are possible outcomes of spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord region that suffers damage influences the consequences for victims.
The basic spinal cord regions are:
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacral
Physicians divide spinal cord injuries into either complete or incomplete spine injuries. A complete spinal cord injury can produce widespread loss of motor function, affecting all four limbs, which is known as quadriplegia. The lesser form of a complete spinal cord injury may only result in loss of motor function below the waist, also known as paraplegia.
Incomplete spinal cord injuries, although debilitating, will generally leave a victim with only diminished motor skills in some areas of the body. Loss of sensation is also possible. Such outcomes can impact your ability to work or at least your ability to continue your current career.
The loss of earning capacity from either a complete or incomplete spine injury may require a lawsuit to secure an adequate financial settlement. An accident attorney could assist you with identifying all current and future damages that you have a right to collect.
Arm and Leg Injuries
Crush injuries, broken bones, torn ligaments, nerve damage, and muscle damage could all occur when you get struck on a motorcycle. The hands and arms are particularly vulnerable to twisting and tearing injuries because you’re gripping the handles during a collision.
Although limb injuries should not prove fatal, you will still experience a painful recovery. Chronic pain could result in some cases. Even when your prognosis is good, you should consult an accident attorney before accepting an insurance settlement. A motorcycle accident attorney Las Vegas will be familiar with the long-term problems that commonly afflict bikers. The perspective of someone who has represented other motorcycle accident victims could spare you from missing out on compensation that you may need.
Road Rash
Sliding across pavement can tear off large portions of your skin and even expose muscle tissue. Swelling, inflammation, bleeding, and the possibility of infection accompany this injury. Bad road rash injuries will need prolonged wound care with the repeated changing of bandages. Even if you think you can treat your road rash at home, an accident attorney Las Vegas will recommend that you seek medical care after your accident. A physician can evaluate you for other injuries and create a formal medical record associated with your accident. This is an important part of the equation when making an insurance claim.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
As a motorcyclist, you have a heightened chance of experiencing an accident because other drivers may not see you. Roughly half of motorcycle accidents happen because bikers were not seen.
Motorcycle accidents often occur when:
- People turn left in front of you
- Pull out in front of you at an intersection or driveway
Additionally, road hazards, like potholes, oil slicks, or debris, threaten motorcyclists more than drivers of passenger vehicles.
Rights to Compensation for Injuries
Your greater risk of injury on a motorcycle in no way reduces your legal right to compensation when a negligent party causes your injury. Not seeing you does not excuse a driver from failing to yield the right of way to you. State or local road authorities may also be to blame for unmarked hazards that caused you to crash.
A motorcycle accident attorney Las Vegas knows how to evaluate the circumstances of your accident and identify whose insurance should pay for your damages. Painful injuries and financial pressure could make you vulnerable to accepting a low settlement offer. Moss Berg Injury Lawyers will work hard to protect your best interests. Contact us today for a free consultation.