by senditrising

If someone else hurts you, you need to sue them fast. There is a time limit for suing for personal injury. This time limit is called the statute of limitations. It shows how much time you must sue the person who hurt you.
The statute of limitations is very important for your case. It can change your chance of getting money and justice for your injury. You don’t want to lose your right to sue by missing the time limit.
This blog will help you learn more about the statute of limitations. It will tell you what it is, how it works, and what it means for your personal injury case.
What is the Statute of Limitations?
The statute of limitations is how long you must sue someone who hurt you or your property. It is a rule by the law that says you can’t sue after some time. If you miss the time limit, you lose your chance to get money and justice. The time limit can be different for different cases and places.
What is Nevada’s Statute of Limitations?
If someone else hurts you, you have a short time to sue them for your injury. This time is called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Nevada is two years from the day of the accident for most cases. For example, if you got hurt in a car crash on January 1, 2020, you must sue the other driver by January 1, 2022.
If you miss this time, you will lose your chance to sue and get money for your injuries. So don’t wait too long to sue. However, it is different for different types of injury cases, some of the injury cases that have this deadline are:
- Car or truck crashes
- Bike or motorcycle crashes
- Pedestrian crashes
- Death caused by someone else.
- Accidents at construction sites
- Mistakes by doctors or other medical workers (such as wrong diagnosis, late diagnosis, injuries during childbirth, failure to treat, errors during surgery, and other medical or treatment errors)
- Faulty products
- Unsafe property
- Falls
- Accidents at work
- Violence
The statute of limitations is the time frame when you can file a lawsuit for your injury. If you miss the deadline, you lose your right to sue. But sometimes, there are exceptions to this rule.
What is the Statute of limitations for different Personal Injury Cases in Nevada?
The deadline can be different depending on the case and the place.
In Nevada, the statute of limitations for different types of injury cases are:
- Personal Injury: Two years from the day of the accident
- Medical Malpractice: Three years from the day the doctor or other medical worker made a mistake, or one year from the day you found out or should have found out about the mistake.
- Product Liability: Two years from the day the product caused you harm.
- Wrongful Death: Two years from the day the person died.
When does the Statute of Limitations begin?
If someone else hurts you in Nevada, you have a certain time to sue them for your injury. This time is called the statute of limitations. It starts on the day of the accident that hurt you.
But sometimes, there are different rules that can change the normal time to sue for personal injury cases in Nevada.
The Discovery Rule:
Sometimes, the person who is hurt may not know that they have an injury. In these cases, the discovery rule may give them more time to sue. The rule says that the statute of limitations starts on the day that the person who is hurt finds out or should have found out about their injury and their chance to sue.
The discovery rule does not change the two-year time to sue. It just changes when it starts. It starts when the person who is hurt finds out or should have found out about their injury.
Tolling of Nevada’s Statute of Limitation:
The statute of limitations can also be paused, which means that something has stopped the time from counting for a while.
The statute of limitations is usually paused when the person who is hurt is a child under 18 years old or is not mentally well by the court. Under Nevada’s personal injury laws, pausing will happen in these situations:
- In all personal injury cases except those about medical mistakes, if the person who is hurt was a child when they got hurt, the statute of limitations will not start until they turn 18 years old.
- In personal injury cases in which medical mistakes involve children, parents are usually in charge of suing within the statute of limitations for their child. In cases about brain damage or birth problems, a lawsuit can be filed any time before the child’s 10th birthday. If a child’s injury makes them unable to have children, a lawsuit must be filed within two years of the date the injury is found.
What is the Shared Fault in Nevada Injury Cases?
The state of Nevada has a special rule for accidents where both parties are at fault. This rule is called the Shared fault rule. This rule can lower or cancel the money that the injured person can get from the personal injury claim because they also share some blame for the accident or event that hurt them.
For example, imagine you were walking across the street when a car hit you. You were not following the green traffic light. Your injury cost you $10,000. In this case, you are 40% at fault and the driver is 60% at fault.
The Shared fault rule will cut your money by 40%. You will only get $6,000 and lose $4,000 because of your fault.
Contact a Nevada’s Personal Injury Attorney before the Time limit Runs out.
If you are hurt by someone else’s mistake or carelessness in Nevada, you need to act fast. You have only two years to sue them for your injury. A personal injury lawyer can help you with your injury case. They can work to solve it quickly and well.
We are Moss Berg Injury Lawyers. We are a team of skilled and smart personal injury lawyers. We can help you get the money you deserve for your injury and other losses.
Call us today for a free talk with a personal injury lawyer. We are ready to help you.