by tfarino
If you have suffered an injury and want to file a claim for long-term disability, you should be aware of the eligibility requirements.
Determining Eligibility for Long-Term Disability Compensation
You may have suffered a personal injury that makes it impossible for you to work. As a result, you may be entitled to receive payments for long-term disability if you meet certain requirements. You can consult with Las Vegas injury lawyers who handle these types of cases to see whether you should pursue a claim.
Full-time Employment
Certain companies and insurance plans require you to be a full-time employee in order to receive disability payments. In order to be considered a full-time employee, you will likely need to have worked at least 30 to 35 hours a week for a given period of time. The Social Security Administration and some insurance companies may also compensate part-time employees for long-term disability, but this is not always the case.
Doctor’s Recommendation
Your doctor will need to submit proof that your injuries make you incapable of working. He or she will be required to submit a form that recommends long-term disability compensation based on thorough medical evaluations. Your doctor may also need to send in results from lab work, surgical procedures and treatments that have been provided.
Conditions That Automatically Qualify for Long-Term Disability
Some medical conditions automatically qualify for payments if they impair a person’s ability to work. Debilitating injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system or the connective tissues generally qualify automatically. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, a serious cardiovascular condition or a chronic neurological condition, your claim will also likely be accepted if you can prove that you are unable to work. Other conditions that sometimes automatically qualify include multiple sclerosis, lupus and HIV/AIDS.