by tfarino



When to Consider Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

When you’ve been in an accident that has injured you in some way, it’s possible that you’ll be able to receive compensation for this injury. If another individual or company was at fault for your injury, that person or company may be responsible for your injury. In most cases, the first step in a personal injury case is to file an insurance claim for any damages you believe you’re owed. Even if the other party was responsible for your injury, there are times when a claim can be rejected or the settlement offer can be too low. If this occurs, you might want to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit.

When to File a Lawsuit for Your Injuries

Once you’ve selected a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas to represent your case, the lawyer will conduct a comprehensive investigation of the accident to make sure that your claim is genuine. They will also take a look at all of your medical bills pertaining to the accident so that they can make an estimate on how much you should receive for your injuries. If they determine that you have a case, they’ll enter into negotiations with the insurance company that you filed the claim with. In the event that a favorable settlement can’t be reached, your lawyer may advise you to file a lawsuit.

What the Lawsuit Process Entails

Once the lawsuit has been filed, a lengthy discovery process begins in which the defenses and legal claims of the other party are investigated. Negotiations will then start between the lawyers of both parties to determine if a settlement can be reached. In most situations, the lawsuit will be settled before going to trial. If the lawsuit reaches a trial, the case will go before a judge and jury.

Types of Compensation You May Be Entitled To

Whether you’re filing an insurance claim or lawsuit, the types of compensation that you should expect if the other party is negligent are numerous. These compensation types include total medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and wrongful death if applicable.