by tfarino



Two Ways to Prevent Injuries in the Workplace

Thousands of people are injured each year in the workplace to the point where they can’t perform their daily duties. If this happens to you, it is wise to start interviewing personal injury attorneys. A good injury attorney has a lot of experience working with injuries that occur at work and will get the process over quickly so both the employee and the employer can move on as quickly as possible.

There is only one thing better than having a great personal injury attorney: not needing one in the first place. It is in the best interest of both a company and its employees to have as few workplace accidents as possible. The following are two things every staff can do to help prevent and reduce injuries in their workplace each year.

Vehicle Maintenance

Accidents that occur in vehicles are one of the most common kinds of workplace accidents. In fact, they cost employers around the United States over $60 billion each year. This is a staggering number when you consider how many of these accidents could have been avoided with just a little bit of due diligence.

Any company with a fleet of vehicles should be sure to inspect them on at least a monthly basis. This includes basic stuff like turn signals and brake lights. You would be surprised at how much paying attention to these small details improves the safety of your vehicle fleet. On top of this, create a checklist that people need to follow each time they drive a specific vehicle.

Pay Attention to the Weather

If you or your employees work in extreme hot or cold, be sure you are completely prepared for the weather. For example, don’t let any employees work in cold conditions without the proper cold weather attire. You should also not be afraid to cancel the workday if the weather conditions become too dangerous for people to work safely.

Be Safe

Don’t take your employee’s safety for granted. Even the smallest slip up could cause a potentially dangerous situation. The main thing companies should do in this situation is strive to follow each of OSHA’s guidelines when it comes to safety in the workplace. They exist for a reason and are very easy to follow. This includes providing each employee with the proper safety equipment like goggles and helmets.