by tfarino

How to Prove Valid Medical Malpractice Cases
If you have suffered injuries after a doctor or other healthcare professional failed to properly perform their job, you may have a valid claim for damages. It’s important to know the types of and elements of medical malpractice cases. There are certain requirements needed for proving medical malpractice. If these things are in place in your case, you can speak with a personal injury attorney to help you file your claim.
Doctor-Patient Relationship
First, you must prove you had a relationship with the doctor in question. This must be a physician who actually treated you and not someone who gave you free medical advice in passing.
Doctor Negligence
You must prove the doctor who treated you was negligent. Generally, this means it’s not simply being unhappy with the treatment you received; the doctor must have behaved negligently while treating you or when they diagnosed you. Proving medical malpractice involves showing that the doctor did not utilize reasonable care when treating you.
Doctor Negligence Led to Injury
Many medical malpractice claims involve patients who were already ill or injured, which makes them difficult to prove. However, if the doctor’s care was negligent and directly resulted in harm, you can be successful at proving medical malpractice.
Common Types of Medical Malpractice
Overall, there are three types of medical malpractice that exist. They include the following:
• Improper treatment: Treatment that is incompetent and in a manner that no reasonable doctor would administer can warrant a medical malpractice case. In many instances, the treatment is appropriate but improperly given.
• Failure to diagnose: If a doctor fails to diagnose a medical condition that would have resulted in a better outcome for the patient, it’s grounds for a medical malpractice claim.
• Failure to warn: Doctors have a duty to warn patients of medical risks related to treatment. If a doctor fails to perform their duty of informed consent, the patient has a legitimate claim for medical malpractice.
When all of these criteria exist in your case, you can be successful when you file a medical malpractice claim.