by tfarino



Taking Action After Accidents Caused by Loads Falling From Trucks

When you are driving on interstates and other busy roads, there are also large trucks sharing those roads. The trucks may be hauling heavy loads of cargo. If improperly secured, the cargo could fall off, causing an accident. If you are injured as a result of this situation, you may want to contact an accident lawyer in Las Vegas.

Who Is Responsible for Spilled Cargo?

In most cases, the trucking company that was responsible for loading the cargo onto the truck is liable for any accidents caused by the loss of the load. If the load was driven by an independent trucker on contract with a company, there may be shared liability. If the truck was driven by a person moving his or her own belongings, that individual may be held liable.

Causes of a Spilled Load

There are many reasons why cargo on a truck could spill onto the road. A leading reason is shifting of the load while in transit. If the load was not balanced correctly or the contents were not secured after loading, they could move. Improper securing of a single large item could also cause a cargo spill. In some cases, a malfunction of the trailer could cause a spill.

Types of Injuries and Damage Caused by Spilled Cargo

Spilled cargo may result in mild to severe injuries, even death. If the spilled load included hazardous materials, you could experience a wide range of injuries, including burns, contusions, concussion, broken bones and lacerations. Impact injuries are another possibility from a spilled load of cargo. Even a non-hazardous load could result in you trying to get around the spill and losing control of your vehicle. Your vehicle could be totaled in this type of an accident, for which you may want to seek compensation.