by tfarino
What to About Injuries Caused by a Defective Hair Dryer
Many people blow-dry their hair before they leave the gym, while staying in a hotel or before going to work. These appliances require caution during use, but you could follow the manufacturer’s safety guidance and still become burned or injured. A consultation with a personal injury lawyer might help you to understand your rights after being hurt by a defective hair dryer.
Document Your Injuries
It is important to document your injuries as quickly as possible after the incident takes place. Digital photographs are a good method of documenting what happened to you. If you sought medical treatment for your injuries, a copy of your visit summary, diagnosis and treatment plan could be helpful to bring with you to a consultation with an injury lawyer.
Find Out About Product Recalls
If you have had your hair dryer for a while, it is possible that the appliance is under a recall by the manufacturer. You could contact the manufacturer, visit the Consumer Products Safety Commission website or go to the manufacturer’s website to learn more. You may also wish to report the injuries to these entities so that they can do their own investigations and issue a manufacturer’s recall if the product is found to be defective.
Speak With an Attorney
Before you send the damaged hair dryer to the manufacturer, you may want to consult with an attorney. The lawyer could advise you on what to do with the product. If it was a hotel’s hair dryer that injured you, the hotel might have some liability in the situation. The lawyer may advise you on whether you have a case and how to proceed through the court system.