by tfarino



What to Do When a Neighbor’s Dog Attacks Your Kid

There are few things scarier for parents than seeing a dog attack one of their children. When a neighbor’s dog bites or attacks your own son or daughter, your first impulse is to intervene and save your child, but doing so may make the situation worse. Your child will need immediate medical attention, and you will need to speak with a lawyer that’s experienced in dog-bite injuries.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention is the first thing you should do after a dog bites your child. This is important because you cannot judge the amount of damage on your own. If the dog’s teeth broke the skin, your child will likely need a few shots. The doctor may want to check with the dog’s veterinarian to ensure it has its shots. When a larger dog attacks a smaller child, that child may even suffer broken bones as a result.

Get Legal Help

You need to speak to a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas because you don’t know what your neighbor might do. He or she may hold your child responsible for the attack and retaliate by damaging your home or property or even harming your own pets. There is also the risk of your neighbor filing a police report that claims your child trespassed on his or her property. Las Vegas has laws in place that protect the victim of these attacks as well as laws that hold the dog owner responsible.

Speak to a Therapist

You may want to speak to a therapist about your child and have him or her speak with the therapist too. Victims of dog attacks often find that their feelings about these animals change. Your child may be so scared that he or she can no longer be around your own pets, and some kids will also suffer from nightmares and panic attacks. Personal injury lawyers can help you receive compensation for your child’s medical bills and pain and suffering.